Libraries welcomes first Everett Intern

 Kamai Guillory

The NC State University Libraries is pleased to announce the selection of Kamai Guillory as our first Susan Ellen Everett Library Intern. This undergraduate internship was created through a donor-funded endowment intended to provide extraordinary opportunities for one or more undergraduate students as interns in the Libraries.

Guillory, a computer science senior, will work on new and innovative applications for technologies associated with extended reality and immersive environments. This will include the development of XR applets and experiences to deliver Libraries content, exploration of tools for use by patrons in the Hill Library Virtual Reality Studio, and support of that studio's XR Makerstation and showcase.

Guillory has experience in XR and game development with the Visual Narrative Initiative and the POEM lab, led by Dr. Chris Martens, as well as on a number of other exciting projects. His first project in the internship is to develop a possible exhibit for the Hill Library’s Innovation Studio or the Hunt Library’s Tech Showcase highlighting “deep interaction” with 3D-rendered holograms.

“Kamai will use cross-platform programming environments called 'video game engines' to create virtual and augmented reality content to complement Libraries programs and spaces,” says Colin Keenan, Library Technician. “This work is valuable to our patron base because it speeds up our process of introducing new technologies to our spaces and lending. This position offers a very exciting opportunity for an undergraduate student to have an active hand developing innovative media content within their own university library while building what are very marketable and transferable skills.”

R. O. Everett (‘47) and his wife Edith endowed the Susan Ellen Everett Library Internship in 1999 with a gift through their estate. The internship is named after their daughter, who is also an NC State graduate. Everett served during World War II and was a prisoner of war. He later joined Wachovia Bank and ascended to executive vice president, retiring to Salisbury, NC in 1986. Everett passed away in 2000. He is survived by his wife, Edith, and two children, Simon Justus and Susan (both NC State graduates).